In early March 2009 Senator Alan Breckon, Deputies, Roy Le Herissier Trevor Pitman and Geoff Southern formed a Scrutiny Sub Panel to look into the “care” of vulnerable children administered by our States.
The sub panel soon become aware that not all was well, and in particular there were, how shall we put this? “failings” “misgivings” “malpractice” “short comings”? perhaps incompetence, cover up, corruption, and total neglect of our children might be too strong a phraseology but perhaps shouldn’t be ruled out.
So concerned were the sub panel that after some 18 - 20 weeks of taking testimony and collecting data that they felt it necessary to bring a proposition to the States (P145/2009) asking for a committee of enquiry to look into the management at Health and Social Services. They believed our most vulnerable children had been “avoidably” horribly failed by these people. But guess what? THIRTY of our States members didn’t want this to happen, that is THIRTY people who believe they are voting how we, the electorate, would like them to vote. I shall list the THIRTY below. Needless to say the proposition got defeated.
Subsequently the Jersey Child Protection Committee (JCPC) conducted a Serious Case Review (SCR) on a particularly troubled family. I believe, and stand to be corrected, that the SCR was forced upon the JCPC by the family’s Lawyer, Advocate Tim Hanson. The report that followed was nothing short of DAMMING and SCATHING of just about every department, and more, that deals with, not only “vulnerable” children, but children in general - as well as our Law Offices and one, as yet unnamed (unaccountable) Judge.
The full JCPC SCR report can be read here, and again it is another one of those documents that doesn’t make for comfortable reading.
Senator Alan Breckon must be encouraged to submit P145/2009 again, the people (highly paid Civil Servants) and others, that so tragically failed this family, and possibly many other families must be held to account.
Below is an interview with Senator Breckon, although it must be remembered that Deputies Southern, Le Herissier and T. Pitman also put the best part of twenty weeks work into trying to unearth who or what allowed this tragic, unforgivable and avoidable chain of events to occur.
Although, as things stand it looks like our elected “representatives” and in particular Education Minister Deputy James Reed and H&SS Minister Deputy Ann Pryke, are not going to hold any of their Civil Servants to account. So we as voters, must make sure these elected “representatives” are held to account at the Ballot Box in the next elections.
Senator Terence Augustine Le Sueur
Senator Paul Francis Routier
Senator Philip Francis Cyril Ozouf
Senator Terence John Le Main
Senator Ben Edward Shenton
Senator Frederick Ellyer Cohen
Senator James Leslie Perchard
Senator Alan John Henry Maclean
Senator Bryan Ian Le Marquand
Connétable Kenneth Priaulx Vibert
Connétable John Le Sueur Gallichan
Connétable Daniel Joseph Murphy
Connétable Michael Keith Jackson
Connétable Graeme Frank Butcher
Connétable Peter Frederick Maurice Hanning
Connétable Leonard Norman
Connétable John Martin Refault
Connétable Juliette Gallichan
Deputy Robert Charles Duhamel
Deputy John Benjamin Fox
Deputy Judith Ann Martin
Deputy James Gordon Reed
Deputy John Alexander Nicholas Le Fondré
Deputy Anne Enid Pryke
Deputy Sean Power
Deputy Kevin Charles Lewis
Deputy Ian Joseph Gorst
Deputy Philip John Rondel
Deputy Daniel John Arabin Wimberley
Deputy Edward James Noel
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Software Developer and Artifical Intelligence Expert Samuel Collingwood
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8 hours ago
A revealing interview.
Is it on record anywhere that Senator Perchard said he was the one who commissioned June Thorburn?
Great write up and article you guy's.
Enjoyed the "minute of truth" at the end of the video interview...."it was Senator Syvret" ha ha
Well done Alan Breckon, shaping up nicely.
Very clear and very useful. Keep it up.
We need more of the politician-blogger cooperation to help enlighten the public. We know the Establishment will do everything to muddy the water and keep the public in ignorace as to who is really responsible within the state.
Role on those elections so we can get rid of the useless and incompetent GST Party and replace it with genuine peoples' representatives.
Just note that the younger politicans, Tadier, Vallois and Macon all supported P.145/2009.
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